Cottage mini website frequently asked questions
When you sign up for a listing package for your holiday cottage with us we will automatically create a free mini website for your cottage where people can find out more about your cottage before either visiting your own website or if you do not have a website before contacting you to make a booking.
Here are some questions about the mini website together with answers.
How do I get a free mini website for my cottage?
When you sign up for a listing with us we will automatically create your mini website automatically.
Can I make changes on my mini cottage website?
The website is built automactically based on the information you provided for your listing on our sites. As such changes are only possible for the following types of updates:
- Photograph changes
- If you no longer offer or add a new facility e.g hot tub
- Changes to text are limited to the description and boxes completed on our sign up form
Can I have my own domain as I dont want to build a site?
You can park your own domain on top of your mini website so that if someone typed in your website address e.g. they would be redirected to your mini website. This may be useful if you wanted to include a web address in your information packs or a news paper advert for example.
What pages are included on the mini website?
You get the following pages
- Over view page about the cottage
- Gallery page of up to 10 images of your cottage
- Map showing the location of your property
- Things to do in the area (county)
- Reviews - any reviews added to any of our sites will be included on your cottage site. So please ask your customers to take the time to review their stay with you
- Alternative cottages in the area - your cottage will be included in a random selection of other cottages in the county as well as their cottage appearing on your mini website. This is helpful as if one cottage is booked it allows people to compare
- Availability and booking links - this could be your own website or a booking form.
Sign up now for a holiday cottage listing